Pete the cat

They still to this day, don't believe me.
Even my parents don't suspect anything weird around me, they'd call me confused, a liar. But I swear to the most high God that I knew what I saw, and I'll be Damned if I do again. Maybe because I was only a kid at the time...
I was about ten years old, and was extremely gullible. I enjoyed a much, awesome playmate in my early childhood. His name, was "Pete the cat". He was a children's book character published by "HarperCollins publishers". He teaches children how not to loose you're head when you're shoes are dirty.
One day, my dad brought a DVD set featuring all the books the DVDs are based on. I was really stoked when I saw it. But when I popped in the first DVD... this is the part where it will mentally scar you.
The TV had a lot of static and the HarperCollins Publishers logo appeared after the usual "FBI Warning" logo. Then came the video.
"Pete the cat was walking down the street with his brand new white shoes!" said the narrator in his normal voice in the background.
But as the scene cuts to Pete's shoes, I was shocked to see... Blood... I gasped for breath, My skin turned as white as a ghost! It was as if he stomped a person to death! He walked as his shoes left red footprint impressions on the sidewalk! The narrator kept on,
"He loved them so much, he sang this song..."
The camera panned out, to see a ocean of death and destruction... Bodies were all over the place, houses were set on fire, light posts have other people hung by nooses, even the sky was blood red. The song "I love my white shoes" played in the background, it began to slow down as it repeated itself, slower, slower, and slower, until the narrator and a bunch of kids have deep, warped singing vocals. Then the narrator said, when Pete was at the bus stop, with a shotgun to his mouth...
"The moral of Pete's story is: No matter what you step in, keep walking along and singing you're song..."
Then Pete shot himself.
The TV screen turned red. Then that was it, the video ended. My dad saw this and quickly shut the DVD player off. He told me it was just a little mess up with the DVD but, I knew what I saw and to this day, I still claim my encounter. Now and days I am deeply fearful about my childhood memory.
Now, if you encounter a quote on quote, "Lost Episode", let me know, cause I don't want you to wind up like me. Because you never, Ever can tell, what horrors that are sealed up inside those VHS' or DVDs.